Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Well, today is a very sad day in the life of the Johnson Family. Bryan's daddy passed away at 1:15AM this morning. He'd been sick off and on for about 2 months. He'd been in the hospital 3 different times in 2 months. We weren't really surprised but you are never really ready for the late night phone call. We KNOW that he is at Home with his Creator and he's probably telling my parents that yes it was me that always sent him to the hospital. I can still hear my dad saying, "we knew what we were doing when we sent her to nursing school!!" Thank you to my mom and dad. Bryan's mom accepted the news as we felt like she would. It was hard for her because she isn't in good health either. We're afraid that it won't be too long til she follows him. They were married almost 72 years!!! Hard to believe. If you wonder how we KNOW where Dad is, you may ask me. I will tell you. In fact, I'll tell you here. At a young age, he asked Jesus to be the Lord of his life and to come into his life and live in him and guide him throughout his life. He GAVE his life to Jesus!!!! The Bible says that is the only way that you will spend eternity with Him. You may think it is narrow minded and well, it is but its what Jesus says that counts!!!!. May God bless you throughout your coming days and read the book of Romans or Acts or John and He'll help you. We did have a blessing today though. Zachary's blood tests came back so good!!! He was up on his red blood cells which is a blessing.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Here we are at the Race for the Cure. It was fun. Zachary was very popular getting his picture made!!!
Boy, it's been an eternity since I have written on my blog!!! Sorry for all who regularly read it. So many updates, so little time to write!! Bryan's parents have till been having problems and in fact his dad is back in the hospital. He collapsed on Friday and we thought we had lost him. He's recovering a little though which is an answer to prayer. I feel so sorry for him during this most difficult time-that is Bryan AND his daddy. The kids got here last week and we've had VBS all week long! It's been very exciting around here to say the least.  Zachary has more blood work done this week to see how his levels are. He was down a little last week so that's why he's being tested again so soon. I don't remember if I wrote about the Komen Race for the cure. When I check everything, I'll see and if I didn't put in pictures, I will come back and add some pictures to the blog. Well, I'm going to go and check the blog and I'll write more later. Have a great week!!!! 

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hey everyone, Go to this website for Komen and see if you recognize 2 people on the site!!! Z and I are famous!!   http://www.komennorthtexas.org/race_photos.html    that is soooo exciting!!!! Well, I'm 5 years breast cancer free and ALSO 10 years uterine cancer free!! All I can say is praise the Lord and I'm so humbled by what God has done in my life. It's just so humbling to be spared from such terrible diseases!!! I have been thanking Jesus ALL DAY LONG today especially!!! I thank Him daily anyway but I'm so blessed.  Thank you for the prayers that you have given for me.  Kimberly made Z's little Komen shirt because they don't have them in his size. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Well everyone, Sorry it's been a few days since I wrote a post.  I hope you like the pictures that I'm putting out with this post.  We are all doing well, just busy!!! Caleb and Caitlyn get here this weekend. I'll also enclose a picture of Kodi-the new puppy. I call her and Z "the twins" because she was born 1 week after Zachary. In fact, she was born on Zachary's due date. It's fun to watch both of them growing!!! Zachary was with us at the Komen Race for the cure. He's wearing my "Survivor glasses". He was such a big hit!! Here he is in his life jacket and sunglasses at the lake. These are all recent 3 month pictures.  Zachary's also sitting in his jumper at Grammy and Poppy's house.  Kodi is in Z's swing and then outside.  I hope you have a great week.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Well, I tried the video again, this time pushing the correct button but it still didn't load so I don't know if I gave it enough time-like 5 minutes, may not be long enough though. Someone can let me know if it's common to take a long time. Oh well, I can always try it again!!! Got storms coming tonight so the new computer goes off.

Well I wanted to post a little movie of Zachary in the tub but I think it's too big to load. Oh well, I tried. I'll try some other fairly current pictures of him that have been made recently. I hope your day is going well--ours have been. 

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Hey everyone. I hope your day has been great-mine has. Yesterday, we found out that Zachary weighs 12 pounds and 1.6 ounces!!! Big boy!!! Today was a great day also with some test results that came back wonderful!! Exciting for us. Caleb and Caitlyn come in 1 1/2 weeks!!! We got caregivers for Bryan's parents but his daddy ended up back in the hospital over the weekend. It's so sad-they are really having problems!!!! Just pray for us and for them.  Remember Jesus loves you!!!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Good afternoon everyone, I hope you are having a good day. I'm sitting in the hospital with my father in law. Yes, we're back again!!! When it rains, it pours. In the last 3 weeks, both of my in laws have been in the hospital. I feel so sorry for my husband!!! We did start some caregivers so that will help. I hope you all are doing good. Other than hospitals, we're doing great. God is so good!!! Not much going on around us, just hanging out. The Komen race for the cure was exciting yesterday. Many people. I'm celebrating 5 years since diagnosed with breast cancer and 10 years free of uterine cancer. I'M A SURVIVOR!!!!!!   Grandkids will be here in 2 weeks-we're excited about them getting here for the rest of the summer. I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead and remember to talk to Jesus!!!

Friday, June 05, 2009

Good morning everyone, How are you all doing today?? I am good, just busy helping to get my in laws set up with a caregiver. They really don't want to move into a nursing home or anything so this is the next best thing. Anyway, my little 3 month old grandson discovered his hands this morning. How exciting!!!! It's so much fun to watch him. The other 2 will be here in a couple of weeks!! Yeah exciting.  It should be a great summer with all the kids being here. They want to get to do all sorts of things this summer.  We have VBS the first week and then who knows from there.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Oh sleep where are you????  I KNEW I shouldn't have had a glass of peach tea!!! Well, it's 1:57am and I just finished a cup of Sleepytime tea. Hopefully that will help me get sleepy. A busy day today and a little sad. We had to tell my in-laws that we were going to get someone to stay with them to help them be able to stay in their own apartment. Mom cried and I felt sorry for her. It's so hard to see them getting older and needing more and more help. Dad just took it all in stride as he's always done but mom took it pretty hard. We didn't want them in a "home" and so decided this would be the best route for now. I just hope we can help them maintain their hydration, food intake, general health. We figured they'd get more care being with a caregiver for the 2 of them. I feel like it will work out. Joy, the care home owner that I use for my brother is so wonderful!!!! I called her yesterday and she came up today and looked around and we talked about using some of her caregivers. It will be quite an adjustment for Bryan's mom and dad but we really wanted them to stay in their home.  Pray for them as they adjust to many changes in their health and lifestyle. We only have 20 more days before Caleb and Caitlyn get here!!!!! wooo-hoooo. Caitlyn wanted to talk to Bryan and I tonight so that was neat. Only got a couple of words out of Caleb though. Don't know what's going on in his head. It's so sad what they have to go through. God protect them!!!! We were watching John Hagee ministries this evening and he was doing a sermon on "the end times". Boy it's close!!! As he says, we better look up, pack up, cause we're going up sooner than what we think. If you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, ask me because I don't want you left behind when the rapture happens. It won't be a pretty sight around here. All the good will be gone and the only thing left is all the evil that satan can dish out. 
Zachary got to go to his first rodeo last week. The kids said he had fun that he was so busy just looking around at everything going on. They had a good time. He's really smiling, cooing alot. He'll be 3 months old in about 8 days or so. My, how time flies!!! 
Christopher had the first part of his test run this morning. It was interesting. Can't wait for the results. He's such a neat guy. The ladies at the Dr. office were saying how sweet, polite, and kind he is. I can't help but agree with them wholeheartedly!!! 
Bryan goes to his parents tomorrow for a few days until the caregiver gets there then we'll be training her and helping to "learn the ropes." Should be interesting. Anyway, I hope your week is going well so take care, God Bless, and talk to the Lord!!!