Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Hello out there in computer land. It's been a busy several days for sure. The funeral went as well as a funeral could go. Carlos and Deborah got here safely yesterday. We've been busy already. We went to supper last night to celebrate Carlos' birthday and we had a fun time. He looked cute on the saddle singing his napkin over his head! Took the kids to see Santa today. Zachary was so excited to see him and Sadie could care less. They took a great picture though. Caleb and Caitlyn will be here in a little bit and we'll go back to see Santa after all 4 kids are together. Not much else is going on so I'll go for now.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Dear Friends and Family, I just got back from Phoenix visiting my aunt and cousins. I had so much fun!! When I get time to put the pictures on the computer, I will so you can see the beautiful mountains. I helped my cousin put up her Christmas lights. They turned out beautiful. I'm sorry to say that I lost my friend that I've known since about 5th grade. She had cancer. I hate this disease!! Her funeral is tomorrow. I was with her mom this evening for the viewing. I'm speaking tomorrow during the funeral for several that can't be there. They wrote out what they wanted to say about Patti. It's rainy and cold and poor Carlos and Deborah may freeze!! Well, I'm going to go to bed as I'm exhausted!!! My love to you all.