Monday, November 30, 2009

Cheryl and I are riding Expedition Everest where you are looking for a Yetti -a snow bigfoot! Wasn't Cheryl having fun?? She was ready to get off before it really got started! I LOVED it!!
One of the kids' Christmas pictures.
Me and Ariel-my granddaughter's favorite princess
Me and Mickey at dinner!!
Well, here we are after Thanksgiving!! I can't believe it's Dec. tomorrow!!! Time flies whether or not you are having fun. Cheryl and I had a BALL at "The House of Mouse!!!" It was so much fun. I can't thank Cheryl and Amanda enough for letting me go. I'm going to include some pictures of the trip and some ride pictures. It was a great vacation and we really had a good time. Thanksgiving went well-different of course without Bryan's parents but we had a good time. Would you believe that I'm ALL FINISHED with my Christmas shopping? Everything is almost all wrapped also!!! I did it all in Florida. Of course I had to buy some extra bags to get everything home but that's okay too. At least it's all done. Bryan, David, Linda, and I are planning a trip to Hawaii in January. David is Bryan's brother. We are flying to Honolulu and then taking a cruise around the islands. It's going to be so much fun. Many more pictures to come. Guess what? Zachary is cutting 4 TEETH!!! Poor little guy-he's been fussy, feverish, and not a happy camper. He's always so happy and for him to be grumpy is a rarity. We went to Children's ER the other night and then he went back to Dr. Eastman's office this morning. He's also got a virus mixed in with everything else. They took him to see Santa Claus this evening because he is feeling a lot better and the fever is gone and he's better. I took some pictures of them tonight for their Christmas pictures. I'll include them also. Zachary enjoyed turkey, dressing, potatoes, etc. He wasn't real fond of the cranberries though. He loved pumpkin pie too He won't eat baby food anymore. He's sitting up good and wants to pull up which he's beginning to do just a little. He'll be 9 months old in 11 days. Like I said earlier-how time flies!! The kids are looking forward to Christmas-we can't wait to see them. We really do miss them so much. Well, gonna go for now so you all have a great day and God Bless You One and All.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hello everyone, Sorry it's been quite a while since I have added anything to this. Later I'll add pictures as my friend, Cheryl, and I went to "The House of Mouse" last week. We had an absolute ball!!! It was so much fun. I'll have to post one of the pictures of us on a ride. Cheryl and I first met when we worked at Plano General Hospital 30 years ago!! We worked in the Nursery on the "house-wife shift"- 5-9:30 pm shift. I LOVED it!!!! Anyway, then we worked at pedi offices, ran clinics, etc. throughout the years. Thanks Cheryl AND Amanda for allowing me to go!!! I really had a great time. I got all of my grandchildren's Christmas shopping done-and a few adults too. Now, preparing for "Turkey Day" and Black Friday. I LOVE shopping on that day!!! Crazy huh? Yep, that's me. I'm so glad that I made it back from the U. K. safely!!!! hahahahahaha. Anyway, I'll post stuff later on. Have a blessed day and remember to be Thankful for ALL we have here in America and also Thank some soldiers along the way for our freedoms!! Even if they aren't in uniform-if they have grey hair, they were in the military and you can thank them too!!!! Love ya'll.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

ATTENTION TO EVERYONE, Someone hijacked my yahoo mail address book and I have NO addresses in it!!! I have tried to write to everyone from my Mac to let them know to change your password so you won't get caught too. I'm making some changes to my accts. so if you have trouble with any of my stuff, you know where I live and you have my phone numbers. By the way, the letter said to send money so if you still want to send it, send it to my home address!!! hahahaha

Monday, November 09, 2009

This is my brother Larry who had a tremendous life change a few months back. Jesus brought him a new life in Him!! Praise the Lord. Bryan and I are going to the Bahamas to see him when he gets there. I love you big brother.
This is Clayton and his new 1st little grandson!!! His name is Nathan and my brother is Clayton. Many of you know of Clayton-he's the youngest of the brothers. Still older than me though.
Zachary was Mickey Mouse for Halloween. We were at a church for their fall festival.
Here are the "children" in bed taking their naps!!!!
Zachary was enjoying the lovely ladies at the saloon show at Silver Dollar City!!!
Hello everyone, I know, I know, it's been a long time since I wrote. Sorry about that. We were gone for several days to Branson. We needed to get away. We're home now but I leave again on Thursday morning to go to "The House of Mouse" in Orlando with a great longtime friend and working associate of mine. We're excited. I've never done this before. We're gone from Thursday til the next Tuesday. Cheryl has got all kinds of things planned for us!! I'm looking forward to it. She's planned the trip and all I have to do is go and have fun. That's different because I'm always the one planning the trips so it is truly a vacation for me. I have to look at all the interesting pictures I've gotten recently and add a few to the page. Duchess is doing great. Right now she is licking my leg/knee. She LOVES ME!! Caleb, Caitlyn, Zachary are doing well also. Can't wait to see the kids next month-Caleb and Caitlyn that is. I've almost gotten all their pictures ready to send to them. Just have to do it. Oh Christopher... Not much else new and exciting going on so I'll close for now and look at the pictures and then add more thoughts as I go.