Monday, August 24, 2009

Shamu, Shamu, Shamu
The Riverwalk in San Antonio
The Dallas World Aquarium
Zachary getting his 4 month shots
Celebrating Uncle Les' birthday
I've been working on pictures from the summer so I thought I'd share a few with you-random shots. I hope you enjoy all the fun we had with the children.  They are such wonderful well behaved kids-as long as they are with their dad! No problems with them at all. They were respectful, polite, and a whole lot of fun to be around.  They are both loving and VERY intelligent!! I just wish they had more to do in MD than video games and TV. We didn't allow them to do that stuff very much. Oh well, what can I say. Anyway, here are some more pics.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hello everyone!!! We've been gone for a week. It's too quiet around here with our precious grandchildren having to have gone back to Maryland. Bryan and I took Clayton to Illinois this last week and visited some family members whom we hadn't seen in quite a few years. Pictures that I'll post later. It's always nice to get back home. Anyway, now starts the clean-up process of having neglected the house while our kids were here. We have a Sunday evening old time gospel singing tonight at church with Dennis and Sharon leading it. It will be fun and then we're off to Taco Bueno afterwards with friends then to bed!!! Well, I'll go for now so have a great day and I'll have pictures later.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Well today is going to be a sad day for Poppy, Grammy, Daddy, Caleb, Caitlyn, We're trying to do the last fun things before the kids have to go back to Maryland tomorrow. We've had such a wonderful time. There are so many pictures, I don't have time to process them, print, and laminate them, before they leave. So, my big project after returning from vacation with Clayton is to do their pictures, fix them cookies-made with so much love and then send it to them.  They enjoy their cookies and their pictures because it helps them to relive the memories of all the fun stuff we did over the summer. We did some "educational" stuff also so maybe Caleb can use the information in school.  We saw sharks, the Texas state capitol, learned about bats, other animals, etc.  They both read to their book limits at the library but we returned home from vacation to  late to turn them in to get their awards, etc. Sad. Caleb read for quite a few hours-he read Sir Lancelot and the Knights of the Round Table. Caitlyn read about 25 books. We saw the movie Moby Dick the other night along with Annie, The Sound of Music, many Bibleman adventures, Veggie Tales, many great Disney movies. The kids really enjoyed them. No shooting, no sex, no other stuff that little children shouldn't see anyway.  They laughed through them even with them saying "I didn't like it".  They ate popcorn, snuggled with all of us, and had a wonderful time. So many memories. Next year, we'll have Caleb keep a diary so he can keep up with everything. Caitlyn is too little but we can write it and she can tell us what to write. So future ideas for next time. We'll miss them so much as we won't get them again until Christmas. It's so hard-if you aren't faced with being without your grandkids for periods of time, then you don't know what it's like. People take the opportunity to share in their lives for granted when they are around or just live close. For us, we try to make every minute count because we don't have long. 2 months may sound like a lot of time, but it's not. It goes much too quickly.  We are so blessed to have them with us. Caleb learned to tie his shoes, lost 2 teeth I think if I remember correctly. The tooth fairy even found him in San Antonio!!!! So exciting. You all have a wonderful day and remember that this is the day the Lord has made-rejoice and be glad in it!!! 

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Well, we went to Finch Park to their water area. We had some water balloons which were fun. Afterward, we went to Panda's for chinese food and then went home and the kids changed clothes and headed out to the Heard. Not only did they see the snake feeding but they explored some trails as well. I stayed home and fixed chicken spagetti. They really like that dish and eat so well. We watched Princess Diaries 2 tonight. Last night we saw # 1 of Princess Diaries. The kids are sound asleep now. It was a busy day!!!! It's raining outside!!! That was a surprise to the weathermen and women because NOTHING has been said about rain over the next several days but waaa-laaa, we have rain!!! Praise the Lord. Well, I think I'm heading off to bed after checking the weather one more time to make sure we have nothing severe out there. Nothing like a Texas thunderstorm!!! Good night all.
This is Caleb coming down the big slide at Hawaiian FallsThis is Bryan's birthday party with Christopher and the kids.
Caitlyn is swimming at Grandma's and she's underwater!!! She's doing great!!!

Good morning everyone, Well, I downloaded some more pictures so let me find them and put some more on here for your "viewing pleasure". We're having to begin to count the time down now and it's very difficult to see what the kids want to do most. Today is Snake Feeding at the Heard Museum. All of you from out of state, can look at the Heard Museum. Caleb LOVES the Heard Museum. They have trails, stuff to look at and things to do.  I think I heard them both say they'd like to go to the water park this morning. Oh, I just happened to think-the water park is closed on Wed. Well, we'll see what's next on the list.  Maybe it will be the nature trails. We were swimming yesterday.  On Saturday, it will be a busy day! Skating, waterpark, dinner at the lake, boating with a friend of Kimberly and mine. She has 2 kids our kids ages. Fun, fun, fun. Oh well, have a great day.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Hey everyone, Miss me???? We had a WONDERFUL vacation with the children. Christopher's work was so wonderful to let him take the week of so he could enjoy the kids on this trip. We were going to leave Monday but I got sick and ended up being in ER in McKinney for several hours. Okay though and we left on Tuesday. Had a wonderful time exploring San Antonio with the children. Pictures will come soon. They loved the riverwalk and boat. Feeding tortilla chips to the ducks from Casa Rio, the market, the bats there-yes they have a bat colony starting there also. We had a great time at Sea World. I want to go back also!! They loved it and want to return also. Their tickets are good until Dec. 31st so when they come back at Christmas, maybe we'll get there again. Sea World was a wonderful place and we could have spent several more days there exploring everything. We didn't get to do everything while we were there. All 3 grandchildren were really so good and we just had a wonderful time. Poor Z, though, he was tired from always having to stay in a car seat or something like that. He wanted to run so bad with C and C he could taste it. They love him and he loves them!! He's going to be lonely when they have to go back to Maryland. We got to Austin to see the bats fly, but our boat trip was cancelled because of a storm. We saw them flying anyway but it WAS disappointing. We may even try to go back before they head back. We'll see though. Bryan's mom continues to be in ever worsening health. We knew that would occur though. Not much else new here but I will post pictures later. Have a great week.