Sunday, June 02, 2013

Hello you all. I've been so busy the last few weeks. Had my chemo almost 3 weeks ago and I rested for the 1st week and then ended up doing very well after resting. Now, I'm getting ready for the next treatment and I also have a knee injury to add to the mix!!! Lord, what am I supposed to learn now??? I could ask, "Why me?" but "why not me?" As my pastor says, we're either going into a storm, are in a storm or almost out of he storm. I am not happy about thinking I may have to have knee surgery and be out for part of the summer while Caleb and Caitlyn are here. At least their daddy is off all summer. Oh well, I hope you all have a good week and I'll keep you posted. All my love!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Celebrate, Celebrate, Celebrate!!!!    or as in Kimberly's words:    My mom has had this spot for several years now and they have just been watching this unwanted visitor.  My mom started a new round of chemo 3 weeks ago and had her 2nd round of chemo today.  She had a doctor visit first and the oncologist couldn't feel the spot; like he has before.  Praise Jesus!  When she told me, what a huge burden that had been lifted.  I have been a little anxious about all of this and even whether I should be tested for the gene.  Her doctor today told her that she was not a candidate for the testing and that neither was I.  I think she said that with her type of cancer; there is no testing.  She has a very aggressive form of cancer that just has trouble staying away for too long.  It really likes her!  And you know how we feel about it.......LOL  

I am rejoicing this afternoon as Jesus has given us another tool in which to be able to fight little "spot". I am going to be doing what I am supposed to do. I took a nap today and will be resting for the next several days. I want that medicine to have full range of control over the whole area of cancer and if there is any hiding somewhere we don't know about I hope it will blast it away, never to return!!! Have a blessed evening.

Monday, May 06, 2013

I'm actually beginning to feel a little better!! Yeah!!! Had an awesome day today and tomorrow is "spot measuring day". We'll see if it's been effected yet. It was a beautiful day today and we even had dinner out on the back porch. It was so nice to be outside!! Love our springs here. Don't like summer's too well though!! I don't do heat well. Oh well. I hope you all have a great week and keep thinking of Jesus!!!

Thursday, May 02, 2013

A long time Coming!!

Good grief, It's been such a long time that I've written. I had another blog but I really do like the fact that I can see from where people read my blog. So much has happened since I last wrote!! My son married, I have another spot of cancer and I'm now back on chemo. My grandbabies are older and for that fact, so am I. I'm on a new chemo called Kadcyla. It s a mixture of the regular Herceptin and another type of chemo. It's a target drug that does most of the damage to the cancer cells but it does affect other cells. That's okay, I just have to get used to side effects again. I don't like that part. I'll try and be a good girl and write on here more often but you can also read my caringbridge page. It's I hope you all have a blessed evening and I'll be anxious to see where all in the world you are reading this from.