Well today is going to be a sad day for Poppy, Grammy, Daddy, Caleb, Caitlyn, We're trying to do the last fun things before the kids have to go back to Maryland tomorrow. We've had such a wonderful time. There are so many pictures, I don't have time to process them, print, and laminate them, before they leave. So, my big project after returning from vacation with Clayton is to do their pictures, fix them cookies-made with so much love and then send it to them. They enjoy their cookies and their pictures because it helps them to relive the memories of all the fun stuff we did over the summer. We did some "educational" stuff also so maybe Caleb can use the information in school. We saw sharks, the Texas state capitol, learned about bats, other animals, etc. They both read to their book limits at the library but we returned home from vacation to late to turn them in to get their awards, etc. Sad. Caleb read for quite a few hours-he read Sir Lancelot and the Knights of the Round Table. Caitlyn read about 25 books. We saw the movie Moby Dick the other night along with Annie, The Sound of Music, many Bibleman adventures, Veggie Tales, many great Disney movies. The kids really enjoyed them. No shooting, no sex, no other stuff that little children shouldn't see anyway. They laughed through them even with them saying "I didn't like it". They ate popcorn, snuggled with all of us, and had a wonderful time. So many memories. Next year, we'll have Caleb keep a diary so he can keep up with everything. Caitlyn is too little but we can write it and she can tell us what to write. So future ideas for next time. We'll miss them so much as we won't get them again until Christmas. It's so hard-if you aren't faced with being without your grandkids for periods of time, then you don't know what it's like. People take the opportunity to share in their lives for granted when they are around or just live close. For us, we try to make every minute count because we don't have long. 2 months may sound like a lot of time, but it's not. It goes much too quickly. We are so blessed to have them with us. Caleb learned to tie his shoes, lost 2 teeth I think if I remember correctly. The tooth fairy even found him in San Antonio!!!! So exciting. You all have a wonderful day and remember that this is the day the Lord has made-rejoice and be glad in it!!!