Thursday, May 02, 2013

A long time Coming!!

Good grief, It's been such a long time that I've written. I had another blog but I really do like the fact that I can see from where people read my blog. So much has happened since I last wrote!! My son married, I have another spot of cancer and I'm now back on chemo. My grandbabies are older and for that fact, so am I. I'm on a new chemo called Kadcyla. It s a mixture of the regular Herceptin and another type of chemo. It's a target drug that does most of the damage to the cancer cells but it does affect other cells. That's okay, I just have to get used to side effects again. I don't like that part. I'll try and be a good girl and write on here more often but you can also read my caringbridge page. It's I hope you all have a blessed evening and I'll be anxious to see where all in the world you are reading this from.

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