A wonderful day today!!! I love Texas weather-in the fall, winter, spring. I HATE the summers though!!! It's supposed to be in the 70's today!!! Praise the Lord. It will be beautiful outside. I will be out rejoicing and maybe work on a little sunshine for the ole head. I'm wondering if I'll have gray hair, dishwater blonde again? curly? straight? I'm excited to see what the Lord gives me hair wise!!! My PET scan was clear so that's such a praise. I have a new picture of our little granddaughter. She was about 31 weeks along at the time this was made. The 3-D sonograms are so neat!!! Kimberly is doing so well with this pregnancy. She's not having any of the problems she had with the Z-man and we're so thankful for that. She looks healthier than he did at this time so we're praying she doesn't have the blood trait that Les' family has. Still no name for her yet-they are still discussing the possibilities. I know I will love it no matter what it is. Zachary has named me-different from Grammy. I'm Mi-Mi to him. I'll be like "flower" in Bambi-"He can call me flower if he wants to". I hope you have a blessed day.
Good evening everyone. Sorry it's been so long. Kimberly, Zachary, and I went out of town for several days. We had such a good time. We went to Galveston and just enjoyed ourselves. Didn't really do much but we had fun. Zachary had the best time himself!! It would be so much fun to take Caleb and Caitlyn down there!!! I think they would enjoy it. Can't wait to see them at Easter time. We all miss them so much. Well, I'm a little tired and going to get ready for bed so talk to you soon!!!
Hello everyone, We've had such beautiful days lately!! We got snow yesterday to the tune of about 5 inches! So pretty to watch it falling, silently, beautiful!! This morning it was so nice to sit in the plant room and enjoy the silence of the road and to watch the bluejays and cardinals eating. We still have snow today which has melted some but at least the roads are clear and it's still so pretty out!!! I just love it. I had a great cardiologist visit this morning. Dr. Hollowell is so nice and such a compassionate Dr. He said I was doing as well as could be expected with what all I've been through over the last 5-6 months. I see Dr. Brook's this week (Friday) and he's going to order the PET scan. I'm happy. We get to see Miss Baby C tomorrow and Thursday. Kimberly has Dr. appts and they will be doing 3-D pics tomorrow and then our "fun" 3-D pics on Thursday. I'll post pictures of the snow, the baby, Christmas, etc later. Love you all and have a blessed day.
Gosh, I can't believe it's been so long since I blogged on this!!! Sorry everyone. I don't even know if you all know that I ended up only having 5 treatments because of a reaction to some of the chemo. I see the Dr. next week and I REALLY want to have the PET scan done!!! We had a good Christmas even though we didn't have Christmas until the 30th because we couldn't get Christopher's kids here any sooner! We only got to visit with them for 2 1/2 days but that was better than nothing. We did a lot in a short amount of time! They are so precious and Zachary had such a good time with them. They couldn't believe how he was talking and making noises of animals, etc. We had a great time. I know I told you all months ago that we had joined a new church. I feel like a new christian there because I'm learning so much that I never knew before. I could give you so many examples if you want them. Our pastor is so spirit filled. It's such a blessing!!! I have such a loving church family and I thank God everyday for sending us to the new church. Well, gonna go for now so take time and leave some comments if you want.