Tuesday, May 05, 2009

A great day today even with the transfusion!!! Zachary is beginning to make his own red blood cells!!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!!! The Dr. said they were small but there was bunch of them. She was so excited for Zachary. Dr. Cavalier is a doll.Anyway, he got 64 cc's of blood-that's a little over 2 ounces. It took 5 hours to do and he screamed the vast majority of that time. He didn't get to take a nap and he was really fussy. We're all just so happy that he's beginning to make those cells. Keep the prayers going for this little special boy. Kodi comes tomorrow-Zachary's new "sister"-a mix of lab/Australian shepard puppy. Well, ya'll I'm going to bed-I was up at 4am. Love ya'll!!!! Pray for my friend Mary Jane who is having surgery tomorrow morning at 8:00am.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Praise the Lord!!!! I am soooooooooo happy to hear such amazing news! I love yall so much and can't wait to squeeze that precious baby boy!