Monday, May 04, 2009

Well, we're back from Austin. The wedding was nice and we have fun. Congratulations Julie and Nathan. Amy, I enjoyed meeting your Nathan also. Very nice young man. Bryan's mom came home from rehab last Thursday. The boys are swapping staying with them til we see how mom is doing. We gave her a bath this evening and we had been to the Dr. earlier in the day. She looked "spunkier" than I've seen her in a long time. Speaking of spunky-Bryan saw a raccoon in our yard the other morning. The little critter got into a bird house and ate the babies!!!!! Darn him. Bryan said it was a big one also. Well, Caleb's new little 'sister' comes Wed. afternoon. I know I told you that Kodiak's daddy fathered another litter of pups and there is a big girl that belongs to Kimberly and Les. Her name is Kodi-only because Kimberly couldn't talk Les out of naming her something close to Kodiak. We called Kodiak Kodi also but, oh well. Zachary goes tomorrow for another transfusion-hopefully the last one. Gotta go for now so take care, God Bless.


Les and Kimberly said... put that Caleb was getting a new sister instead of Zachary. I think you needed some sleep!!!

Christy said...

You know I read that and though "interesting...hadn't heard this news" but then I realized she meant the puppy. HEHEHEEE! Love yall!