Thursday, July 09, 2009

Hello everyone. I have some sweet pictures so far of the kids' visit. We are having a lot of fun with them so far. I hope you enjoy them. We've  loved having them with us! I sure wish we had them more!!  We've been swimming the last 2-3 days. The first week they were here, we had VBS. The next week was when Grandpa died so that wasn't a fun week for anyone. I was really surprised though, they BOTH wanted to go and see where Grandpa was laid to rest. They really liked the spot where he is. They understand that it's just his "shell" that his soul is in Heaven walking with Jesus.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy the pics we've taken.  

Something else exciting happened yesterday.  Caleb had a loose tooth and he pulled it himself!!!! right in front of Poppy. We had given him the dental floss and he took it and wrapped it around the back of the tooth and then crossed it in the front and pop!! out it came!!! I was so surprised. The Texas tooth fairy left him $5.00 and a note.  I remember when a quarter was exciting!!! We hope you have a great evening. God Bless You All.

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