Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Hello everyone, Well it's been awhile since I've written but it's been kind of crazy around here lately!!!! Christopher had a rough weekend, Kimberly had hand surgery on Tuesday, Zachary has an ear infection, Bryan did something crazy-he hung by his knees on a steel bar that he put between 2 tree limbs. He was hanging upside down and had to try and get himself back up into the tree, so he pulled real hard on his knees and broke a blood vessel behind his knee. Needless to say he had leg swelling, foot swelling, and a lot of pain. He won't do that again!!! I'm doing great, just keeping busy with Zachary. With Kimberly's hand out of commission, we're taking care of him. He's so sweet. I tried giving him a "cheerio" today and he wasn't real sure about what to do with it. It was funny watching him. Tomorrow night is the first Allen Eagle football game!!! Yeah, I'm excited!!! We're playing Monterey Mexico-it's an exhibition game. We played them last year. Christopher and I have season tickets so that should be great also. I'm going to go to bed now so you all have a great evening. Remember Jesus loves you!!!

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