Friday, October 09, 2009

Well, it's the day after the funeral. It all went very well yesterday. Everyone liked the poem that I read that was called Heaven. I also told some stories about mom and different family members. We are looking to adopt a dog. I KNOW it will be good for us. I'm putting a picture of her on the blog. She's such a cutie. I filled out the paperwork required for her and we'll see if we qualify for her. She is a Pomaranian and is 15 pounds. She loves kids but is a little shy around adults. Anyway, she'd get a great home, I think. Say a prayer about this for me. I've been praying that the Lord would lead us to the right animal. She's a rescue dog. Anyway, have a great day and know you are loved, especially by Jesus!!!!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I am excited about meeting her!! :)