Saturday, April 25, 2009

Good evening everyone, I'll be so glad when this wind stops blowing!!!! My allergies are going CRAZY!!! Ears pop, hurt, etc, sneezing, blowing my nose, etc. Oh well, this IS Texas. Yesterday was the 8 anniversary of my mom going "home to be with the Lord." How do I KNOW where she is? Glad you asked. The Bible says that ANYONE-meaning ANYONE, that includes YOU, anyone that calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved and will spend eternity with Jesus. John 14:1-6 was my mom's favorite verses. I can remember my mom quoting those scriptures from the time I was a little girl. Read them for yourself. God says that "He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and No one comes to the Father except through Him". You say that's being narrowminded? It's not my mind but what God says so take it up with Him and see what He tells you!! One of my friends buried her mom yesterday and her mom knew the Lord also. It's such an encouragement to know that she will see her again and be with her in eternity. It's so sad for your deceased loved one to not know the Lord and for that matter for you not to know Him either. Unfortunately, you will see them again but not in Heaven. Yes, hell is REAL!! There's been too many "eye-witnesses" that's been there and come back to life to have their lives forever changed for the better. Seek them out and ask them about their experiences. Moving on to different subjects-Christopher made calendars for his kids today to send them so they can begin to count down the days til they arrive for the summer. He also made them a list of things they can choose to do over the summer like anything imaginable. We'll see if they check mark their lists to see what all they want to do. Not much else going on-gettin' ready to go to bed as I have 8:30 Sunday School. Love the time though-I'm out of church before 11am and that is wonderful since Bryan preaches at an assisted living home. Been doing that I bet 15 years. I hope you all have a great night and a wonderful Sunday!!!! God Bless.

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