Friday, April 03, 2009

Hello everyone, Well I don't know if I've figured out why I couldn't get on here before or not. I didn't do anything but amazingly, it let me post without getting rid of anything? don't know. Anyway, It's been good this week. Zachary got to come home Wed. and his hemoglobin was 10. Today he was here and he's a little paler again, so we went to see Dr. Eastman.It's down to an 8. He will schedule emergency labs for Monday so we get the results on Monday and it may be back to Childrens's from there. Poor little guy. Great news though-he's gained almost 1 pound since his birth!!!! and Dr. Eastman said his color was great. He also answered a very important question for us-this isn't life threatening as long as we keep up with his hemaglobin and eventually he'll outgrow it. When?? big question. Right now they are calling it Hemolytic anemia. Caleb and Caitlyn come this weekend!!!! yeah!!!! I hope they get to spend some time with Zachary and not from a hospital room. We have a lot planned for next week but some of it may need to change. Les is off Tues and Thursday so that's great. Anyway, you all have a great evening.


Les and Kimberly said...

He has had a rough start, but hopefully it will get better quicker! Thank you for all that you do - you'll never know how much I appreciate you and your loving words that help me get by when I am tired and not knowing what to do next. :) Love you LoTS!!!!

Marsha said...

You are certainly welcome. You know that we love that little boy and God knew what He was doing when He made me a nurse ohhhh soooo many years ago!!!!!! What a testimony to others that you and Les have had of your experience, although it be unpleasant at times. The way you treat others at the offices, hospitals, labs, etc. is a tell tale sign of your faith. Keep up the good work with Zachary and he will continue to be a blessing to you!!! Love you all three so much!!!!