Monday, April 06, 2009

Hey All!!! I cannot believe that "spring is in the air!!" It's a beautiful day out there, but very windy. We had a good day yesterday although Zachary scared Kimberly and I really bad. He turned WHITE and so we went back to Childrens (CMC-from now on). His blood was great!!! only lost 0.8 in 5 days. Wonderful news. They did a chest x-ray but no pneumonia or anything although he was "retracting" where his skin kind of sinks in on his chest. We see the Dr. tomorrow about that. Caleb and Caitlyn made it down yesterday also. We're SO HAPPY they are here. They had a great flight. So much love they share with us. Pictures will come very soon!!!! They are here over Christopher's birthday which is wonderful and we'll have birthday parties for both of them. It's a surprise, they don't know where (Thunderbird roller rink in Plano). They've never been there so it will be exciting. Well, I'll close for now so take care, God Bless and have a great day.

1 comment:

Christy C. said...

Hope all goes well today. Give that sweet baby hugs and kisses from us! Miss yall terribly!