Sunday, April 19, 2009

It was a beautiful cool, windy day today. You know there are such sweet people in the world. Met one yesterday-Kevin McElroy. As we talked on the phone, we realized that we had something in common besides children. His mom and dad are our neighbors in our neighborhood. They've been in the neighborhood for many years and we only took over our home after my mom went home to be with the Lord. Thank you Kevin and your wife-I didn't get her name and also their children for giving us a precious little rocking pony that I'm sure our new little grandson will enjoy. God is so good. I'm so thankful for so many things!! My relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important. Without Him, I'd spend ALL of ETERNITY lost in a place that isn't very nice. The number 2 in my life is my family-my great husband, my #1 son-Christopher or rabbit-nickname, my #1 daughter Kimberly alias Tooter, my #2 son Les who I'm so grateful to God for giving him to our crazy family. Our 3 beautiful grandchildren-2 boys and a girl. We are so truly blessed in this world. My 3 brothers mean so much to me. One has recently come back to the Lord and I'm so thrilled at that-I'm still praying for my other brothers. They will-God knows I've claimed them for His Kingdom!!!!! We were all brought up in church but I'm the only one that stayed with it and now they are returning just like the Bible says will happen. My extended family-nieces, nephews, cousins. All of our friends both near and far. We are truly blessed!!!! That's why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday-I AM THANKFUL FOR EVERYTHING GOD HAS PROVIDED FOR ME!!!! Here are current pictures of the grandkids. The one of Zachary with the green frog was taken last week at 5 weeks old. The other one of him is 4 weeks. The 2 older grandchildren pictures were made while they were here for Easter. They are getting soooo BIG!!! and I love them so much. Have a wonderful blessed week!!!!


Christy said...

What precious angels! They are so adorable! Can't believe how big the kids have gotten. Makes me feel old! :( Zachary is so sweet! I can't wait to hold that precious boy! Love ya!

Marsha said...

Thank you so much Christy for your kind words. It'll be great to see you also!!!!!!!!!