Monday, August 23, 2010

Hi everyone, Well here is the latest update on what's going on with me. Dr. Brook's office called today and said that the cancer is the very same as before. He told me to get the medi-port scheduled for next week and then chemo to follow. I'll be calling Dr. Laidley in the morning to get that scheduled. I'm going to a wig store tomorrow. I don't really know if I want a wig or not but my friend suggested it so I'll go take a look at them and see what I think. I'm not a scarf person or a turban person but I can do a ball cap if it isn't too big and sticks out all over. I want big bright gawdy earrings!!!! I told Kimberly that she will maybe need to make me wear some make-up so I will look like I'm alive. Philippians 3:13-14 have been meaning a lot to me lately. Read it and you'll understand why. Well, not much else going on right now so I'll close and do some other stuff. Love ya'll.

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