Thursday, August 12, 2010

Well, it's time to rock and roll. As I board the roller coaster I wanted to share a picture of one of my best friends, Cheryl, and I while we were on a roller coaster in Disney World. The Yetti was after us!! Both Cheryl and I have had a trying month. Me being diagnosed with cancer and Cheryl losing her job after 16 years. I am praying that all I'm going through will help to encourage her to hang on and wait on the Lord for what He has for her. She's as afraid as I am but over different things. I hope to be an encouragement to all of those I know and love. I arrive at the hospital at 10am with surgery at 11am. I should be home probably around 5-6 pm. I'll just be glad to get this first part over with. At least from there, then we can progress onto whatever has to be done to completely kill these cancer cells out! Thank you all for all the prayers said on my behalf. I'm doing great-just trusting in Him and waiting on Him to so I can mount up with wings as eagles. Every scripture passage that I have just turned to or read about, for the most part has been about trust. So, Jesus, I'm trusting You because You know the plan that You have for me. I praise You for the plan. May my trials and tribulations be for Your Glory!! Good night everyone and I'll write again after surgery is over.

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